Prediction, innovation - personalized medicine

February 11, 2015

These terms will define the medicine of the future. At the moment, we most often associate the prediction with the weather and the horoscope. Innovation with mobile devices and personalization probably with car stickers or writing on a T-shirt.

But these terms, taken together, will change classical medicine with new equipment into a personalized medicine of the future, a medicine based more on prevention and monitoring.

I reached a "young" maturity with technology. We've gone from carbon filament bulbs to Tungsten, LEDs, and other revolutionary technologies, if we compare the extremes. We have gone from electronic tubes to transistors, microcontrollers and now microprocessors containing billions of transistors.

But we passed the revolution, took the big steps and climbed to the top. Now we have to take small steps to stabilize and take advantage of the position we have reached. We kind of figured it all out, we can accept a hologram, wireless sensors, miniaturization of devices. We have to play with what we have to innovate.

However, medicine, although it has new, more efficient equipment, has remained quite classic. The stages remained the same. Doctor, consultations, office, hospitals, queues... We treat, not prevent. And until now mass monitoring of the population was quite difficult.

I am not a doctor by profession. But I am fascinated by this machine, the human body. And with the advancement of technology comes opportunity. In the old days only certain people were "healers". Now more are doctors. But we are all starting to have a chance to contribute. Mobile devices and appliances in the home are getting smarter.

Already your oxygen saturation and pulse can be measured using a simple webcam, included in the screen of your laptop or phone. Devices measure our steps, cadence, and even Google Now makes predictions and suggests them based on personal patterns.

An IT-ist can come up with an algorithm and helped by a doctor to implement a software, application. It can implement a database to help the doctor. And not only an IT-ist. Anyone have an idea. It can be studied, medical information is now much more accessible to us than it used to be. Anyone can learn, discover new things. And together they can develop and implement projects that will mean to medicine what the microprocessor meant to technology.

We are the cloud!

Many of the serious problems faced by the sick could be solved by monitoring and prevention. This is where the other cloud comes into play. The technology cloud, server farms studying custom designs and patterns.

As a deviation from the model occurs, an alert can be sent, and if treatment is applied early, the number of those who end up in surgery or even death will probably be drastically reduced.

However, the doctor remains a decisive element. They will study and through them we will program the clouds. They will also monitor the diagnostic activity of the clouds. But the whole process will be greatly improved, the yield will be maximum. The cloud will take care of monitoring, data analysis, the doctor will intervene when he receives an alert or during a screening.

This also solves the problem of access to medical services. Which even if it is a right, is still a problem and will continue to be a problem. But access to a mobile phone or an internet network is much easier. Not to mention that possibly the information can be sent using SMS.

But another problem remains. The reluctance of people, of the church, the self-opposition when hearing the term "monitoring".

But, this is also a selection process...


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